Wednesday, February 04, 2015


"IF Indonesia was entitled to be called a string of emerald , then West Java was indeed become its centre", said NA Douwes Dekker in his book "Tanah Air" (the Motherland) publish some 40 tears ago. Until now this phrase is still clearly reflected along the development and by the increasing number of people in West Java.  Tourism line of Bogor - Bandung of some 130 km, for instance, still looks beautiful and provides pleasant and warm atmosphere. As the morning sunshine and twilight touched trees and grasses, and the mount Gede - Pangrango, Salak anf Tangkuban Perahu appeared as the back ground in the far distance, those provided an incomparable beautiful natural attraction.
And so did many cities and towns of West Java surrounded by mountain, as well as many gardens and buildings with artistic architecture located in the downtown, all differentiated with most other cities and towns in Indonesia. The Bogor Botanical Garden of 111 hectares and located in the downtown of Bogor, for instance, becomes one of the prides of Wets Java. And so does the Bogor Palace which is so impressive and becomes an historical place. Not far from the highway of Bogor - Puncak - Cianjur, there are located the Cibodas Botanical Garden and the Cipanas Palace. And  in the city of Bandung which known in the past as Paris of Java or The Flower City, there are located the Juanda Great Forest Garden of some 590 hectares and several other gardens functioning as the lungs of the city. Outside the city of Bandung, there is located the Tangkuban Perahu crater,  which should not be missed by those visiting Bandung and West Java. In addition, there are some historical buildings with past architectures, such as the Independence Building, the Satay Building, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), the Pakuan Building and the Savoy Homman Hotel.
Cirebon is region in Wets Java which have the largest number of ancient heritages and historical buildings, Cirebon is known with Palace of Kasepuhan, Kanoman, Kaprabonan, Kacirebonan, Great Mosque, Panjunan Mosque and Grave of Sunan Gunung Jati.
At Sumedang there is a number of ruins of the ancestors of Sumedang kept in the Museum of Prabu Geusan Ulun. And at Bogor and other region of West Java there are some Prasastis (inscriptions) of the periods of the kingdom of Tarumanagara, Pajajaran, Galuh and Sunda.
All of those heritages become a part of important evidence of the historical path of West Java starting from the prehistorical period until the present time.
Not only the mountain, rice fields, forest, valleys, lakes and plantations will attract your eyes and excite your heart, but West Java is also rich with sea scenery's and its impressive and beautiful beaches. In particular, the west and the south parts of West Java. Starting from the Ujung Genteng Beach (Sukabumi Regency) known as the place where turtles  lay eggs, Pelabuhan Ratu Beach with Karang Hawu which is already known, the Cipatujah Beach (Tasikmalaya Regency) and one should not miss the tourism package of West Java which includes the Pangandaran Beach with Pananjung natural reserve, the Batu Hiu, the Green Canyon, Citumang and Karang Nini Beach, which all are closely located to each other.
There are also a sea garden in Indramayu Regency, located at the Region of Pulau Biawak. At Indramayu there is also a recreational garden and The Tirtamaya sea Bathing place located on the bank of the highway oh Cirebon - Indramayu.
For those wished to visit West Jav, are suggested to come between the month April and August, since during the dry season it is safe and pleasant. Tourism places in West Java can be reached by land and air transportation's. Most visitors came to West Java , however preferred to travel an land using their own vehicles or available public transportation's. The distance between Jakarta and Bandung is 180 km via toll highway of Jakarta - Bogor _ Ciawi, which can be travelled pleasantly, while enjoying the mountainous natural scenery's and the tea plantations located on both sides of the highway. Along the way you could also stop and visit some tourism places having complete facilities, such as Cibulan, Megamendung, Puncak Pass, Ciloto, Cibodas, Cipanas, Cianjur and many others.

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